I'm Homer.
I love watching TV.
I like eating popcorn and dough nuts. And I love tenpin* bowling.
I'm Bart. I don't like school. I like skateboarding!
I don't understand it, but
I'm* always getting into trouble! perhaps* it's because I like teasing my headmaster*
I'm Marge.
I love cooking making cakes.
I hide* my money in an unusual place - in a jam* jar in my hair!
My name's Lisa.
I like reading and doing crosswords*.
I play the saxophone.
I often help* Bart to solve his problems.
My name's Maggie.
I'm on year old. I'm the youngest* Simpson. I love my dummy* and i like helping the family to solve their problems.
crossword: mots encreuats
dummy: Xumet
entertaining: Divertida
Headmaster: director de l'escola
help: ajuda
hide: amago
I'm always getting into trouble: sempre estic ficats en lios
jam jar: pot de mermelada
perhaps: potser
teasing: pendre el pel
Tenpin bowling: jugar a bolous
wife: dona
youngest: la més jove
I love watching TV.
I like eating popcorn and dough nuts. And I love tenpin* bowling.
I'm Bart. I don't like school. I like skateboarding!
I don't understand it, but
I'm* always getting into trouble! perhaps* it's because I like teasing my headmaster*
I'm Marge.
I love cooking making cakes.
I hide* my money in an unusual place - in a jam* jar in my hair!
My name's Lisa.
I like reading and doing crosswords*.
I play the saxophone.
I often help* Bart to solve his problems.
My name's Maggie.
I'm on year old. I'm the youngest* Simpson. I love my dummy* and i like helping the family to solve their problems.
crossword: mots encreuats
dummy: Xumet
entertaining: Divertida
Headmaster: director de l'escola
help: ajuda
hide: amago
I'm always getting into trouble: sempre estic ficats en lios
jam jar: pot de mermelada
perhaps: potser
teasing: pendre el pel
Tenpin bowling: jugar a bolous
wife: dona
youngest: la més jove