This is the British Royal Family. This is the Queen of England - Queen Elizabeth the Second. The Queen's husband is the Duke of Edinburgh. They've got four children. Their oldest son is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. His two sons are Prince William and Prince Harry.
The Queen lives in a palace in London - Buckingham palace.
Prince WIlliam and Prince Harry are the Queen's grandchildren. They are tohe sons of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. William was born in 1982, Harry in 1984.
When they are in LOndon, Princes William just before he went to university at St Andrew'a in Scotland.
Prince Harry wants to be a soldier in the army.
husband - marit
born - nascut
The Queen lives in a palace in London - Buckingham palace.
Prince WIlliam and Prince Harry are the Queen's grandchildren. They are tohe sons of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. William was born in 1982, Harry in 1984.
When they are in LOndon, Princes William just before he went to university at St Andrew'a in Scotland.
Prince Harry wants to be a soldier in the army.
husband - marit
born - nascut
Most schools in Britain provide hot meals and salads every day but many students prefer to take their own lunch to school.
A lot of chocolate, crisps, fatty foods and cola isn't good for people. But these foods are everywhere, This is part of an advertisement on British TV. The British Government is worried that many children are obese - the medical word for being very fat. They want people to eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables every day.
One school in England helps students to eat healthy food with the Green Machine.
provide - proporcionar
own - pròpia
healthy - saludable
For most students in Britain, the school day starts between eight thirty and nine o'clock.
People travel to school using many different kinds of transport. They cycle, they wald and they come in cars,
The school day starts with registration where the teacher checks everybody is in school.
After two of three lessons there is a break, This is fifteen minutes when students go out into the playground to have fun after all that concentration!
After break it's back to work,
After lunch it's back to the classroom.
The final bell goes at three thirty to mark the end of school. School lasts for seven hours and nearly five hours are lessons.
Students have homework every day.
catches - captures
checks - controls
back - volta
SHOPPINGStudents have homework every day.
catches - captures
checks - controls
back - volta
Do you like shopping?
Yes, I do!

People in Britain really like shopping. In a recent survey 56% of women between the agres of 16 and 40 described shopping as their main hobby. They often go shoppinge very day!
Traditional, local shops exist in some areas. They sell different things like food, medicines and cosmetics, clothes and books.
There are lots of big aout-of-town shopping centres where there are many shops in large indoor area. The most obvious feature is the car park because people drive to the centres.
This is Bluewa ter near London. It's the largest shopping complex in Europe with over 330 different shops and three big department stores.
recent - recents
survey - esquesta
exist - existeixen
obvious - obvi
feature - funció
Where do people live in Britain? Do they live in houses or flats? Do they live
in towns or the countryside?
Well, 90% of the population live in towns.
Lots of people live in flats, especially in big towns and cities.
House in different parts of Britain can look very different. There are lots of regional variations because builders use local materials. There are also differences in age. Some houses are vey modern and some are hundreds of yearold.
These are traditional thatched cottages. Thatch is made from reeds ans is used for the
roof,Cottage is the name for a small house in the country.
flats - pisos
regional - regionals
variations - variacions
builders - constructors
Well, 90% of the population live in towns.
Lots of people live in flats, especially in big towns and cities.
House in different parts of Britain can look very different. There are lots of regional variations because builders use local materials. There are also differences in age. Some houses are vey modern and some are hundreds of yearold.
These are traditional thatched cottages. Thatch is made from reeds ans is used for the
roof,Cottage is the name for a small house in the country.
flats - pisos
regional - regionals
variations - variacions
builders - constructors
People love animals. But some of the world's animals are in danger of extinction. There are several reasons for this, But the most serious threat to animals is from man.
In some parts of the world people collect rhino horn for use in medicine. Others carve ornaments for tourists from ivory from elephant tusks. Shark's fin soup is a favorite in many restaurants. Chimpanzee and whale meat are popular with some people.
Another bis problem is the destruction of the rainforests.
Animals born in Britain are now back in the Congo and Gabon in Africa. They are surviving and adapting successfully to conditions there.
extinction - extincio
several - diverses
reasons - raons
ornaments - adorns
Another bis problem is the destruction of the rainforests.
Animals born in Britain are now back in the Congo and Gabon in Africa. They are surviving and adapting successfully to conditions there.
extinction - extincio
several - diverses
reasons - raons
ornaments - adorns

At the weekend in Britain, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity. Half of all men over 16 regularly participate in sport.
Even more people spend part of the weekend watching sport - especially football. From August to April football is everywhere.
Cricket is the main summer sport in Britain. Local teams play in towns and villages every Saturday and Sunday from April to September.
Cricket is played between two teams of 11 people.
Tennis is another popular sport, especially in the summer after the famous Wimbledon championships. There are tennis courts all over Britain.
Ohter popular sports are gorf, swimming, cycling, leep fit and walding. But there is no doubt that for most people football is the national sport.
kind - tipus
regularly - regularment
championships - campionats

British people read a lot. THey read books, newspapers and magaxines. And of course they read text messages on their mobile phones. Sixty-five per cent of British people list reading for pleasure´asa major hobby. Aquarter of the population reads more then 20 ooks each year.
You can also now borrow CDs, videos and DVDs of films and television programmes. SOme libraries even let you borrow computer games.
LIbraries are vey important in schools and universitites both for study and for reading for pleasure.
The British LIbrary is one of the world'd greatest libraries. THe Queen opened its new building in 1998.
pleasure - plaer
borrow - demanar prestat
both - tant
building - la construcció de

The weather is a very popular topic of conversation in Britain. That's because the weather changes a lot.
Sixty-five per cent of all the days in Britain are overcast - dull, grey and often cold. That's 260 dull days.
The seasons in Britain are fairly clear. Winter lasts from December to February. It's cold and wet but doesn't often snow. Spring is from March to May. It starts to get a bit warmer and there are more sunny days. The summer months are June, July and August when it can be very hot. Then the autumn - September, October. November - often has foggy, cold, wet days and the leaves fall from the trees.
weather - el clima
changes - canvis
leaves - fulles