
Nationality and lenguage report


A) Task
Write a report about nationalities and languages in your class
b) Think an plan
1) How many students are there in your class? 32 students.
2)Where are they from? Spain, Indian, Moroccan, Russian.
3)What languages the people study at your school? Catalan, English and Spanish.
4)What languages do people speak? Catalan.
5) What level is your English? Basic.
6) What do you want to improve? Listening, writing, speak and grammar...
7) What do you think of the learning strategies on page 30? Do my homework, watch DVD's in English, Listening to pop music in English, Practise English whit another person ank going to a lenguage school

C) Write

In my class ther are 32 students from four different coutries. There people form Spain, Morocco, India and Russian.

At school we have English class 6 times a week. Catalonia and Spain are also subjects here. People in this class speak Catalan.

My level of English is Basic. Mi vocabulary is ok. But i want to timprove my listening, speaking, writing, grammar, I think it's a good idea to memorize examples, do my homexork, watch DVD's in English, Listen to pop music in English, Practies English whit another person and going to a lenguage school.