
English project 1

(unit 1)

This is a British Royal Family. This is the Queen of England - Queen Elizabeth the Second. The Queen lives in a palace in London - Buckingham Palace. A flag flies when the Queen is there. These soldiers guard the palace.

This scene is from 1987 and William and Harry are in Majorca on holiday with the Spanish Royal Family. Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry like to ride horses.

They play a sport called polo. Prince Harry wants to be a soldier in the army. It is difficult for the Royal Family to have private lives. Newspapers and television want stories about them. They really like stories about the young princes.

Vocabulary: guard - guàrdia

-FOOD IN BRITAIN! (unit 2)

Most schools in Britain provide hot meals and salads every day but many students prefer to take their own lunch to school. Sarah eats her lunch with friends in the school cafeteria. This the part of advertisement on British TV. They want people to eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables every day. One school in England helps students to eat healthy food with the Green Machine. The students are enjoying their food and it's good for them too.



For most students in Britain, the school day starts between eight eight thirty and nine o'clok. People travel to school using many different kinds of transport. They cycle, they walk and they come in cars. Sarah catches the school bus.
After break it's back to work. Sometimes special subjects like science last for two lessons - a "double period". They can be really hard work!
But there's always the lunch break to look forward to. There's usually time to play games, talk with friends, read a book or catch up with some homework.
The final bell goes at three thirty to mark the end of school. School lasts for seven hours and nearly five hours are lessons. But that's not the end of the school day.

forward-cap endevant

(4 unit)
Do you like shopping?
Yes, I do!
Traditional, local shops exist in some areas. They sell different things like food, medicines and cosmetics, clothes and books.
Many towns have a large shop where you can buy a wide variety of items. They are called departments stores.
For a lot of people " going shopping" doesn't mean they are going to buy anything. Many people never spend any money. It's a social event. Shopping centres are open late most nighits of the week and from 11 o'clock until five o'clock on Sundays. So you can o shopping just about whenever you want.


-HOME IN BRITAIN ( 5 unit)

There are semi-detached houses - just two houses joined together. There are as many semi-detached houses in Britain as terraced houses.
Lots of people live in flats, especially in big towns and cities.
Houses in different parts of Britain can look very different. There are lots of reginal variations because builders use local materials. There are also differences in age. Some houses are very modern and some are hundreds of years old.
These are traditional thatched cottages. Thatch is made from reeds and is used for the roof. Cottage is the name for a small house in the contry.
British people spend a lot of time and money on their homes and gardens.

cottages-cases de camp

-ANIMALS ( 6unit)

People love animals. But some of the world's animals are in danger of extinction. There are several reasons for this. But the most serious threat to animals is from man.
Shark's fin soup is a favorite in many restaurants. Chimpanzee and whale meat are popular with some people.
There are a number of projects in Britain which deal with endangered species. Here at Port Lympne Animal Park there are elephants, lions, African hunting dogs and many others.
This is an African black rhino. There are only 3,000 wild rhinos and 200 in zoos.

hunting-la caça

- SPORTS (7 unit)

At the weekend in Britain, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity. Half of all men over 16 regularly participate in sport. Football is played in school and as a leisure activity. Both girls and boys play. Cricket is played between two teams of 11 people.We went to Lord's, the headquarters of English cricket, to see an indoor coaching session.
These ten-year-olds learn how to improve their cricket skills even in the winter.
Other popular sports are golf, swimming, cycling, keep fit and walking. But there is no doubt that for most people is the national sport.

session-periòde de sessions


British people read a lot. They read books, newspapers and magazines. And of course they read text messages on their mobile phones. A quarter of the population reads more than 20 books each year.
Libraries are very important in schools and universities both for study and for readings for pleasure. The British Library is one of the world's greatest libraries. The Queen opened ist new building in 1998.
People predicted that radio, then television, then the Internet would kill reading, but ist is still a very popular activity.



The weather is a very popular topic of conversation in Britain. That's because the weather changer a lot. The seasons in Britain are fairly clear. Winter lasts from December to February. It's cold and wet but doesn't often snow. Spring is from March to May. It starts to get a bit warmer and there are more sunny days.
It's not surprising that Britain has got one of the most important weather centres in the world.

warmer-més càlides