This is the British Royal Family. The Queen's husband is the Duke of Edinburgh. They've got four children. Their oldest son is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. His two sons are Prince William and Prince Harry. The Queen lives in a place in London - Buckingham Palace.
Prince William and Prince Harry are the Queen's grandchildren. William was born in 1982, Harry in 1984.
New vocabulary:
army-exèrcit, born-nescut, soldier-soldat, called-trucada, private-privat.
Prince William and Prince Harry are the Queen's grandchildren. William was born in 1982, Harry in 1984.
New vocabulary:
army-exèrcit, born-nescut, soldier-soldat, called-trucada, private-privat.
School in England helps students to eat healthy food with the Green Machine. Green Machines have got lots of interesting snacks. There are cereal bars, organic crisps, yoghurts, and the drinks in Green Machines are healthy as well. There are fruit juices, mineral water and smoothies. These students are enjoying their food and it's good for them too.
New vocabulary:fatty-grassos, healthy-de salut, unhealthy-no de salut.
For most students in Britain, the school day starts between eight thirty and nine o'clock. The school day starts with registration where the teacher checks everybody is in school. After two or three lessons there is a break. After break it's back to work.Sometimes special subjects like science last for two lessons. But there's always the lunch break to look forward to. After lunch it's back to the classroom.
New vocabulary:
forward-cap endevant, playground-pati, lessons-lliçons.

People in Britain really like shopping. In a recent survey 56% of women. They often go shopping every day! They sell different things like food, medicines and cosmetics, clothes and books. There are lots of big out-of-town shopping centres where there are many shops in a large indoor area. The Bluewater it's the largest shopping complex in Europe with over 330 differents shops.
New vocabulary:
cosmetics-cosmètics, departament-departament, stores-botigues.
New vocabulary:
cosmetics-cosmètics, departament-departament, stores-botigues.

There are lots of different kinds of houses. This is the kind of house you find in British towns. These are semi-detached houses just two houses joined together. These are detached houses there aren't any other houses joined on to them. Lots of people live in flats, especially in big towns and cities. Houses in different parts of Britain can look very different.
New vocabulary:
cottage-casa de camp, detached-individual, thousands-milers.
New vocabulary:
cottage-casa de camp, detached-individual, thousands-milers.
People love animals. But some of the world's animals are in danger of extinction. In some parts of the world people collect rhino horn for use in medicine. Chimpanzee and whale meat are popular with some people. Another big problem is the destruction of the rainforests. This is removing the habitat of many animals, like these gorillas, birds and plants.
New vocabulary:
ornament-adorn ,threat-amanaça ,

free-lliure, borrow-demanar perstat, pleasure-plaer.
The weather is a very popular topic of conversation in Britain. When the weather is good, people complain that it's too hot. Winter lasts from December to February. Spring is from March to May. The summer months are June, July and August. Then the autumn is form September, October, November. It's not surprising that Britain has got one of the most important weather centres in the world. They provide weather forecasts for radio, television and newspapers.
New vocabulary:
forecasts-previsions, surprinsing-sorprenent.
New vocabulary:
ornament-adorn ,threat-amanaça ,

SPORTS unit 7
At the weekend in Britain, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity. Even more people spend part of the weekend watching sport especially football. From August to April football is everywhere. Football is played in schools and as a leisure activity. Both girls and boys play. Cricket is the main summer sport in Britain. Criket is played between two teams of 11 people.
New vocabulary:
corners-corners, leisure-osi.
British people read a lot. They read books, newspapers and magazines. And of course they read text messages on their mobile phones. There are lots of public libraries where you can borrow books for free. In this library you can borrow books but you can also buy a cup of coffee, look at an art exhibition, sit in a quiet study area or connect to the Internet.
New vocabulary:New vocabulary:
corners-corners, leisure-osi.
British people read a lot. They read books, newspapers and magazines. And of course they read text messages on their mobile phones. There are lots of public libraries where you can borrow books for free. In this library you can borrow books but you can also buy a cup of coffee, look at an art exhibition, sit in a quiet study area or connect to the Internet.
free-lliure, borrow-demanar perstat, pleasure-plaer.
The weather is a very popular topic of conversation in Britain. When the weather is good, people complain that it's too hot. Winter lasts from December to February. Spring is from March to May. The summer months are June, July and August. Then the autumn is form September, October, November. It's not surprising that Britain has got one of the most important weather centres in the world. They provide weather forecasts for radio, television and newspapers.
New vocabulary:
forecasts-previsions, surprinsing-sorprenent.