
The Simpsons family


My name's Lisa. I like reading and doing crosswords. I play the saxophone. I often help Bart to solve his problems.

My name's Maggie. I'm one year old. I'm the youngest Simpson. I love my dummy and I like helping the family to solve their problems.

I'm Marge. I love cooking and making cakes. I hid my money in an unusual place - in a jam jar in my hair!

I'm Bart. I don't like school. I like skateboarding! I don't understand it, but I'm always getting into trouble! Perhaps it's because I like teasing my headmaster.

I'm Homer. I love watching TV. I like eating popcorn and donuts. And I love tenpin bowling.Remove Formatting from selection

Words crosswords: mots encreuats-dummy: xumet-help: ajudar-hide: amagar-jam jar: pot de mermelada-youngest: la més jove-entertaining: divertida-headmaster: director de l'escola-I'm always getting into trouble: Sempre m'estic posant amb lios-perhaps: potser-tasing: pendre el pèl-tenpin bowling: jugar a les billes-wife: dona